Thursday, May 1, 2014

My view on Mac Books

       Recently at work we have been handed mac books for use with our campus. Being that I am school tech it is important that we start to play with them and understand them because soon all the teachers will have them and we will need to service them. I have always used pc but now I have a mac and and first I didn't know what to think but now its clear.
      Coming from a PC to a Mac can be very intimidating I understand if nothing more than the price difference.  It is truly staggering. A good starter pc cost you 300 bucks while a good mac will be nearly a grand. Why the difference well I think it is because of exclusivity. Mac doesn't give the MAC OS out to anyone. They oversee all the hardware that go into a mac and that is what you get. They don't have to worry about if it will work this or that because they know it will they already designed it to do so. So you have the keep that in mind.
      What do I think about it I love it personally.  It didn't take me long to get a hold of it. A lot of the same principles carry over. The networking is good and easy to use just like pc and wifi it just as easy as well. Also to me to UI is cleaner if that make sense. I can say on one program and look at just about anything while doing so. Most programers are doing programs for macs just as they do for pcs so I am not missing anything. Youtube plays well, my Facebook works just fine. They only internet issue I have ran into is with not having IE's activeX plugin(this plugin helps like flash to run certain internet apps.) but it can be worked around. I have MS Office which is now on mac. I could go on and on but really you just would have to play with one your self to find out what it is like. I would suggest if you can play with one at a apple store or some where that sales them or has them on demo so you can see if you will like it or not.  Also feel free to ask question to the sales people because they might know how to do the things you want it to do and adapting from PC might not be as hard as you think. This has just been a thought of the day but as soon as I save up I will be getting a personal mac for my house soon. Thanks for reading.

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