Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Windows stopped support of XP! Should you be worried?

I have been getting this a lot at work. They have ended support of XP what should I do? Well here at work we are doing...nothing. Yep that is right not to worried here and I will explain why. It was estimated that 20% of current running pcs still run XP and here at my job I would say that we run about 35% over all campuses. Now the following are options and may not be truth but here is what I think. XP has been one of the most reliable operation systems in some time from Microsoft. And They don't even want to mention Vista so lots of people stuck with XP. I think there is some fear mongering going on because if you notice they have been very public on social media letting people know that they are ending support and I think that is to help sales of MS 8 which hasn't done as well as they had hoped according to investor reports.
Now as to why you shouldn't worry. It is like a lot of things with computers if you use common sense and don't go to places you shouldn't anyway you will be fine. If you are going to risky websites and I am sure we know what i mean by that XXX, or illegal software websites then you are taking that risk weather you have new security updates or not. A great example was the latest Internet Explorer bug. Yes it was bad and yes you could get your computer seriously messed up because of it BUT you still had to go to fake website that some one would have to set up and lure you too. Point is most holes and back doors are exploited when you take a risk any way.
Really with XP if you still wish to use it just remember to be safe. Don't go to those bad websites, keep your antivirus up to date, and run scans every now and then(reference my maintenance post 1, 2, 3) and you will be fine. I hope this helps you and thanks for reading. Please feel free to post if you fell differently.

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